I really love the way the Dr. Beech provides great examples of what parents can say to their children and model for their children to foster good character, values, and positive perspective about seemingly negative situations. I would recommend this book to parents, children, and any children’s health provider.
— A. Stoddardon
“Tiger” wakes up thinking about his upcoming baseball game. He is sad to note that his dad has to go the work and will miss the game. When baby sister Maya smears dad’s shirt with jelly, he just laughs. Mom points out that they are lucky that dad has a job. Then Mrs. Wong, a neighbor, falls and hurts her ankle; “Tiger” is afraid they will be late for the game. Mom guides him to understand that doing a good deed in helping someone else, makes us feel even better about ourselves. When they finally arrive at the game, the other team is crushing them. Will “Tiger” find a way to understand that even storm clouds might have a silver lining?

This book will help children in elementary grades learn that real happiness lies not in material possessions but in positive thinking. The author hopes to give parents and teachers a way to communicate this to their children through her story. Lester has done a marvelous job with the illustrations. The models for the characters come from Brazil, Trinidad, Puerto Rico and the United States. They paint a multicultural picture for children of all races and genders. Highly recommend this book for parents, teachers and librarians of elementary school children as a thought-provoking read.
— Barbara Mojica
My children and I really enjoyed this book! It really helps children learn how to reframe their thinking to see the positive in a situation. My son was even inspired to break out his baseball glove. He really identified with the main character. He even shared what he’d learned in school about how we all have an invisible bucket full of feelings and when we help others, you fill your bucket and theirs too! I was so impressed with how he made the connection from what he learned in school to this story and how it illustrates the importance of helping one another. My other son commented on how he also really loved the illustrations and lifelike quality. Great book Dr. Beech!
— Amazon Customer
Aren’t you lucky that you found this book? It’s a good story, with a great message, for both children and adults.

With beautiful illustrations to match, the story shows the value of focusing on the positive. And how easy it is, even if things aren’t going your way.

Read this book to your child(ren) (time together is always a good thing)... Let the beautiful illustrations bring the words to life... And then open up a conversation with, “Why are YOU lucky?”

Just like Tiger in the story, your child will discover there are more positives in his/her life than he/she realized. You will, too.
— Glenn Younger
Came across this book searching for a Christmas gift. Was thrilled after I got it. Better than expected. Quality art and meaningful text. Look forward to more from this author.
— Amazon Customer
But Aren’t I Lucky That is a book that takes potentially negative situations and looks at the positive side to each one in a little boy’s life during a Saturday when his dad has to work and miss his ball game.

I liked that the child’s mother helped her son think of positive ways to look at situations that could be thought about negatively such as even though dad had to work, his working allowed them to buy the good food they ate. She didn’t dismiss his sad feelings when he lost his ball game; she acknowledged them, but then suggested that he was lucky he got to play with his friends even if they did lose. Then she got him to think of something positive about the game he lost and he came up with the awesome line drive he caught from the opponent’s toughest batter.

If, as parents, we can teach our children to think in this manner, rather than dwelling on negatives, our children will potentially grow up to have more positive outlooks. This book is one attempt at teaching children to do just that.

The story is interesting and will hold their attention. It’s a great book for a parent and child to read together. The pictures have a soft edge to them as though they have been painted. There are not a lot of fine details to them.
I very much enjoyed this book and think it would be a great addition to any library because of its positive nature. I gave this book a rating of 5 stars out of 5.
— Kathryn Svendsen
Great lesson for kids to find the positive side of difficult situations
— Amazon Kindle Edition Customer