A Special Thanks to ALL Military Kids this Christmas

Military kids are a unique group.   Not everyone is called to serve our country, and these young people didn’t even raise their hand to say, “I do.” Instead they are raised every day to know the weight of democracy and the price of freedom. Civilian’s often don’t understand. They often assume that the differences, and often difficulties, that our children face cause them harm. I disagree. For the most part, our children rise to challenges and embrace the experiences that are part of our lifestyle. 

By and large, military kids adapt to our way of life. It’s “normal” to them. This resiliency is highly tied to their parents’ adjustment. Specifically, the steadfast way spouses provide a loving stable home base, despite the unpredictable requirements of their soldier’s service, teaches our children. They learn how to be flexible and adapt, how to deal with loss and remain optimistic, and how to rise to a challenge and overcome. This is SO important. Stress leads to growth. It develops character strengths such as bravery, perseverance, responsibility, self-regulation, hope and gratitude. These are the traits of leaders. 

It is true that, sometimes, the costs of being part of a family that serves can be acutely felt. This is particularly true at Christmas time, and other special occasions. When the needs of our nation require that our loved one can’t be there, it can feel unfair and we might even resent the price.  We’re only human. Feelings are. It’s what we do with them that counts. This is where our children actively learn to thrive. They watch as we pick up and move forward, as we connect with family and friends, as we appreciate the love that we have even when we can’t be together. Our children learn that there are things worth the sacrifice. And, more than that, they learn that the sacrifices mean that there is something bigger. There is more than just “me.” It is no wonder that so many of our children feel the call to serve as they become adults. They get the big picture.

So, no matter what the holidays bring this year, if you’re a military kid know that we see how amazing you are, if you’re a military spouse know that your strength holds up the future of our nation, and if you’re on active duty you have our heartfelt thanks for a debt that can’t be repaid.

In the immortal Christmas words, “God Bless Us Everyone!”
