Building your child’s resiliency toolbox
We all want to provide our children with a safe, happy and healthy development. And still, our children will have to cope with stress and face disappointments. Most of these are little obstacles, like having a fight with a friend or not doing well on a test, but others are more intense, like moving to a new neighborhood or dealing with a divorce.
Not only is it inevitable that children will experience stress, it is an essential part of their self-development. They learn from these struggles and, as a result, they develop a set of tools. These are the ready-to-turn-to ways that they cope with and respond to difficulties. For example, some situations require a hammer, like when you to stand up for yourself in a strong aggressive way. While other situations require some polish, like when you mend a misunderstanding with someone. These tools form their personal toolbox. If we then intentionally help our children develop healthy tools it becomes a resiliency toolbox.
Click on the titles below to discover the Resiliency Tools covered in the book,
But Aren’t I Lucky That…